K-12 Registration.pdf - required
Consents.pdf - required
Indigenous Form.pdf - fill out only if student has Indigenous Ancestry
MPSD Programs and Services
District Parents' Resources & Links: http://www.mpsd.ca/Programs-Services/parents
Feeding Futures Program
What is the Feeding Futures school food program?
Ministry has allocated $71.5 million per year in dedicated, multi-year funding to school districts to enhance student food security through expanding or establishing school food programs. This funding initiative is a cornerstone of the government's comprehensive Feeding Futures School Food Programs Framework, reflecting our commitment to ensuring students are well-nourished for optimal learning and health outcomes. The Feeding Futures School Food Programs (FFSFP) funding addresses critical challenges identified by schools in the province, including sustainable food funding and human resources.
What is the goal of this new school food initiative?
The Feeding Futures initiative aims to address sustainable nutritional needs and helping to alleviate the impact of rising food costs for families. With this initiative, we are working together as a community to give children the best start in life. By nourishing bodies with healthy food and promoting food literacy initiatives, we aim to foster a sustainable, healthy, and nourished future.
Article: Mission City Record, February 16, 2024Articles:
School Food News and Updates
Feeding Futures Snack Program - BC School Fruit & Vegetable Program
STAR Behaviour
STAR Behavior is a tool to help students make socially responsible decisions in a variety of situations. It was developed by staff and students. Our expectation is that all people in the building (students, staff, and visitors) apply the code at all times.
STAR Eng.pdf posters are displayed throughout the school. A
STAR Fr.pdf poster is used in French Immersion classrooms. Students are taught the STAR matrix behaviours at the beginning of the year. Students receive positive recognition slips from staff in acknowledgement of appropriate behaviour. Teachers and administrators use the STAR matrix to discuss behaviour, consequences, and goals for improvement with individual students as needed.
French Immersion Program - click HERE for our brochure
École Christine Morrison School is a dual track school, offering a regular English program and a French Immersion program. >read more
Intensive Core French Program
Intensive Core French (ICF) is a second-language teaching approach in which students in Grade 6 receive 80% of instruction in French during the first half of the year, and 20% in the second half. This method increases their French skills significantly compared to the regular Core French. This program is for students who will be entering Grade 6 next September and is only offered at Windebank Elementary. Students continue in the ICF program at Heritage Park Middle School in Grades 7, 8, and 9.
For more information, click HERE
Learning Assistance
The purpose of learning assistance is to provide a school-based service designed to support teachers and their students with learning difficulties. In the learning assistance program, students are helped to develop effective learning strategies that will enable them to adapt to various learning situations and to feel successful in their ability to learn.
As all subjects are based on the ability to read and write, priority will be given to support in language arts. Learning assistance will, whenever possible, be available for students from kindergarten to grade seven. However, preference will be given to Kindergarten, Grade One, Grade Two and Grade Three as part of the district's early success program. By giving early intervention to primary students, hopefully learning difficulties will be reduced in the intermediate grades.
Kindergarten is an important milestone in a child’s development. Children who enter kindergarten are generally inquisitive, imaginative, active, and eager to learn. They enjoy exploring, experimenting, playing, and working with others. At École Christine Morrison, we strive to provide kindergarten students with a safe stimulating environment. Our goal is the development of students’ self confidence in their ability to learn, opening the door to further learning in the school system.
Student Leadership Program
At École Christine Morrison senior students participate in our Student Leadership program. Students provide service to the school in a variety of areas including office monitors, primary classroom monitors, and concession monitors. Students learn important concepts such as responsibility, commitment, and service to others. Most importantly, students learn first hand that the many positive programs offered at this school are the result of hard work and collaborative teamwork.
Peer Counselors
Peer Counselors are senior students who are able to assist primary students on the playground during recess and lunch.